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AMCCOMA Registration - The cost of registration is £50 per member this covers whoever is named on the Membership Certificate(s), one payment only.

Name *
E-Mail *
Contact Number
Cottage(s) at Akeld
Week Number(s)
Date Purchased
Select which payment method you will use; Payment can be made by cheque: Payable to AMCCOMA and sent to: The Treasurer AMCCOMA. c/o 155 Middle Drive, Darras Hall, Ponteland, Newcastle NE20 9DU.
An online payment may be made to AMCCOMA's account with Lloyds TSB ACC Name: Akeld Manor & Country Club Ordinary Members Association - Sort Code: 77-20-25 Acc Number: 22974768 - Please use reference XXX YYY ZZ where XXX is the first 3 letters of your surname, YYY is the first 3 letters of your cottage, ZZ is the week number